These are a few of our pupil project examples (we have around 100 in the first year) from early in the first year: idea descriptions, websites (in progress) and prototypes.
All project management is done using Notion & Trello. Website mockup and product prototypes have been built using Figma tool, following atomic design approach.
ROOG – Cooking recipes organiser + social network
by Linda Helena Saarts from Tallinna Ühisgümnaasium
Roog is an app for home chefs where they can store their recipes. In addition, they can share them with their friends or leave the recipe visible only to themselves. Public posts can be commented on and liked by friends.
DressMe – Closet organizer where you can try & combine clothes
by Pärli Rüütel from Tallinna Ühisgümnaasium
The app will save user's time by trying different outfits previously uploaded to the virtual closet. Save favourites combinations and share them.
Finds – every e-commerce in one place
by Grettel Kalle from Tallinna Ühisgümnaasium
App that brings different e-commerce product list in one single place, helping users to compare prices and product reviews from different stores at the same time. User can give reviews directly in Finds, uploading pictures and comments, preventing shops from deleting bad reviews.